CBD Facts

CBD Can Ease Joint Pain

Did you know that nearly 60 million people in the United States suffer from some type of joint pain related to arthritis? If you’re reading this, either you know someone that struggles with joint pain or you understand chronic pain on a personal level.

While joint pain can occur from overexertion as well as arthritis, studies show that CBD can play a significant role in relieving this type of pain.

Understanding Joint Pain

Again, most joint pain is related to arthritis. It is well known that the two most common forms of arthritis- rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

With rheumatoid arthritis, your autoimmune system begins to attack the joints as if they were a foreign body. This can lead to inflammation and pain. Osteoarthritis is more of a degenerative condition that affects the cartilage of the joints and causes stiffness and pain. 

Scientific Studies Related To CBD And Joint Pain

The Arthritis Foundation has admitted that there is evidence to support the idea that CBD can help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. While there is definitely a need for more studies, research from as far back as 2011-2017 has revealed:

  • That CBD could be a safe and useful treatment option for joint pain associated with osteoarthritis.
  • Topical applications of CBD have shown the potential to relieve pain & inflammation associated with arthritis

Again, while these studies are encouraging, there is a definite need for more clinical trials to understand the effectiveness of CBD in alleviating joint pain.

A Gallup poll done in 2019 revealed that roughly 14% of people with arthritis reported using CBD products with the number one reason listed as pain. Interestingly enough, the Arthritis Foundation conducted its own survey and found that 29% of respondents said they were using CBD in liquid or topical forms to treat their arthritis pain.

Benefits of CBD for Joint Pain

Joint pain affects people from all walks of life and can be caused by a wide range of conditions. Most reported causes for joint discomfort include musculoskeletal issues or inflammatory diseases, but few studies have addressed this topic specifically.

The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and weak opioids is currently the most common way to treat joint pain. These approaches to treatment can have serious limitations and drawbacks, however. There are other options available for people that suffer from joint pain whether it’s the result of exertion or a chronic condition. 

The benefits of CBD oil for people with joint pain or arthritis stem from its anti-inflammatory properties. There are several ways that one could use CBD on joint pain including oral consumption (tincture drops or capsules) or topical application on inflamed joint areas. Many people find that rubbing CBD gels or creams help relieve pain levels significantly.

One of the best benefits of CBD and how it’s consumed include:

Topicals – For those with joint pain or similar conditions, topicals such as creams and balms provide relief by being infused with the cannabidiol (CBD). These products are one of the most popular forms and are easy to rub onto your skin at sites where you need it most. Many people who use topical CBD report that the products work quickly and provide relief for hours.

Edibles & Tinctures – Edibles and tinctures are standard CBD products but aren’t always the best option to treat joint pain. You might find that edibles take too long to yield results, while tincture oils provide a reasonable level of bioavailability for their quick onset period with an even faster absorption rate than many other forms like topicals or capsules.

Vaping – For those who need fast-acting relief, vaping may be the best option as consumers report feeling relief from joint pain within seconds and with high absorption rates compared other methods of ingestion like edibles or tinctures which take more time before experiencing results.

The Connection Between CBD and Joint Pain

The connection between CBD and joint pain is more than just speculation. Studies have identified a clear relationship, where researchers found that this cannabinoid appears to inhibit or activate key compounds in the endocannabinoid system (ECS) including anandamide which helps reduce absorption rates for chronic conditions such as arthritis.

There is promising research that CBD can help relieve joint pain without inducing significant side effects. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can help relieve joint pain in patients with arthritis and other conditions that cause inflammation. Patients often report better mobility, the ability to decrease the use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs), and even complete relief from their symptoms when using this natural remedy alone.

CBD Dosage for Joint Pain

While there’s no such thing as a standard CBD dose, you can find guides online that recommend using different amounts depending on your body weight, so it’s important to do some research to discover what works best for you.

The general rule of thumb is that you should start with a small dose, and then monitor how your body responds. Slowly increase the dose until you notice an improvement. Also, it is important to remember that you need to use CBD consistently for 2 weeks to get the best results for your joint pain.

CBD For Joint Pain

People are finding relief for their arthritis or joint pain with CBD oil. It can be the solution you’re looking for. Research has shown that many individuals experience diverse results when it comes to how much they need based on age or general health, but overall, this natural remedy offers some pretty impressive benefits like reduced inflammation and calming effects which contribute to better sleep quality in addition to joint discomfort.

While we don’t give medical advice, shop online for CBD products or call Relax+Releaf today and we will help you find relief for your joint pain with our affordable CBD products.

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