CBD Facts
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An Introduction to CBD

CBD or Cannabidiol is a well-known buzzword among medical and wellness professionals the world over.  It’s fast becoming an important product for treating pain-related conditions in both humans and animals. According to official statistics, around 64% of Americans are aware of CBD oil, and a whopping 64 million Americans have used CBD products in the last 24 months.

However, although CBD usage is growing quickly worldwide, many people don’t know much about it. Information about the effects and benefits of CBD is often hard to come by, and many online sources provide conflicting opinions about the use of CBD.

But don’t worry, if you’re interested in learning more about CBD, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll dispel any myths surrounding the use of CBD and give you a full introduction to Cannabidiol, from the science behind it to the pros and cons of using it.

Let’s get started by diving into a full explanation of what CBD actually is.

What is CBD?

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of the many oily active compounds found in the resin of a Cannabis plant.CBD can be used in oil and various other products as a pain reliever or general health product.

Cannabidiol is a relatively new introduction to the medical world and only started being widely used a few years ago. This is mainly due to its strong association with Cannabis, which in many countries is an illegal drug.

However, CBD is only one active compound found in a Cannabis plant, and it doesn’t contain any addictive or psychoactive properties. In other words, you can’t get high from CBD.

Within a Cannabis plant, the psychoactive compound is known as THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol. Depending on where you live, and the laws surrounding the use of medicinal cannabis, you may be able to purchase CBD products that contain THC.

In some cases, products containing THC are known to be more effective, and it’s often possible to get a prescription for them from a medical professional.

However, it’s much more common to see products available that don’t contain THC. They are known as hemp-derived products and contain less than 0.3% THC. Hemp-derived CBD products are widely sold in many countries and are available online, or in stores without a prescription.

Benefits and Effects of CBD on the Body

As CBD is still a relatively new product, an extensive list of the benefits and effects of CBD on the body is not yet available. However, many studies have already shown that CBD can have effects such as:

  • Balancing bodily functions (also known as homeostasis)
  • Reducing pain sensations
  • Reducing injury-related inflammation
  • Relieving the physical effects of stress and mental health issues

As you can see the potential effects of CBD are wide-ranging, which is why CBD oils and other products are becoming so popular with wellness professionals, and consumers.

Conditions CBD Can Help With

CBD is known to help relieve the symptoms of a range of physical and mental health conditions. Some of the most common mental health conditions that CBD can be used to treat include:

  • PTSD
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Addiction

Some studies have also suggested that CBD products may help to relieve the pain-related symptoms of diseases including:

  • MS
  • Arthritis
  • Certain cancers

Other studies have also suggested it could be beneficial in treating heart conditions and blood pressure.

Common Side Effects of CBD

Although most studies show the benefits of CBD products, as with any health products, some people can experience mild side effects as a result of using CBD-based products.

They don’t happen often, but some side effects include symptoms such as light diarrhea, fatigue, and changes in appetite and weight. It’s also thought that CBD may interact with other medications such as Clobazam and anti-depressants.

As with any medication or supplement, it’s best to seek medical advice from a health professional to get advice about usage and dosage, especially if you have complex health needs.

That way, you can safely incorporate CBD into your diet and wellness routines, without experiencing any negative side effects.

Types of CBD Products Available

CBD is available in a variety of different forms, from skincare products to dietary supplements. Some of the most common forms of CBD include:

  • CBD oil
  • Edible CBD products such as gummies
  • CBD capsules and pills
  • CBD based vaping oils

CBD oil is one of the most widely used CBD products available, as it can be topically applied to areas affected by pain and inflammation.

Purchasing CBD products

If you’re interested in using CBD products, it’s a good idea to find a local CBD store that sells reliable products.

There are tons of options available online (like our shop!), but some CBD ointments and oils for pain relief that are sold online may not have been tested sufficiently, so it’s best to choose a registered seller with a good reputation. All our CBD products have been tested by a third party.

You may also want to consider booking a CBD treatment such as a massage with a specialist. This can be a great way to learn more about the products available and get support in choosing the right one for you.

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July 2024
